Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men -- Commentary

The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America

Chapter 20

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men

A Commentary


“The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and authority from the Great Koran of Mohammad to propagate the faith and extend the learning and the truth of the Great Prophet of Ali, in America…to establish the faith of Mohammad in America” (Back Cover of Koran Questions For Moorish Americans)

“ We believe in, and foster the Moslem religion. We believe in the principles of its teachings insofar as they can be adopted to American life.” (The Moorish Guide, October 26, 1928)

The following excerpts were taken from, “Note On Article 9 Of The Statute Of The Permanent Court Of International Justice And The Position Of The Moslem Legal System And The Moslem Civilisation Among The Main Forms Of Civilisations And Principle Legal Systems Of The World Presented By The Delegations Of The Moslem States Of The Near East” :

“The Moslem legal system is a system of unquestionable originality. Its autonomy is evident, as a legal system largely governed by the distinctive character of a social community very different from that in which other legal systems have reached normative maturity.” (pg. 384)

“The International Congress on Comparative Law which was held at The Hague in 1932 decided that Moslem Law is an entirely independent source of comparative law. In 1938 when the question of the relationship between Roman Law and Moslem Law was brought to the consideration of the Second Congress on Comparative Law, the Congress stated explicitly that Moslem Law was an autonomous legal system which did not depend on other established systems.” (pg. 384)

“Thus, Moslem legislation translates in a truly remarkable way all social transformations required by the development and progress of the Moslem community, welcoming certain pre-Islamic institutions, correcting numerous points of the pre-existing Law and lastly, formulating new principles in consideration of the needs and aspirations of Islamic society.” (pg. 384) 

“We have sent among you a Messenger of your own to recite Our revelations to you, purify you and teach you the Book and wisdom, and to teach you what you did not know.” (2:151 Great Koran of Mohammad)

1.  Beware, young man, beware of all the allurements of wantonness, and let not the harlot tempt the to EXCESS in her delights. (my emphasis)

The first warning the Noble Drew Ali gives to all Moorish American young men is one against having a lack of restraint in sexual matters. He instructs these young men not to overindulge in the pleasures of prostitutes, common women or cheats. (harlot-Webster 1913) Hmmm…a prophet of Allah warning against overindulgence but not promoting abstinence until marriage?  Is he not endorsing adultery? Remember, Moorish American Moslems are citizens of the USA. “Dating”, inclusive of pre-marital sex is lawful and socially acceptable in America, even considered ‘normal’.  Therefore, the prophet is “formulating new principles in consideration of the needs and aspirations of Islamic society”. It may be considered new from the perspective of the people of the Book but it’s the old-time religion nevertheless.  Many current American Islamic communities are grappling with the challenge of reconciling Islam with American life. They should be delighted to know that an American born prophet, Noble Drew Ali, did just that. Moderation, temperance and prudence are recurring themes in the Moorish Holy Koran.

2. The madness of desire shall defeat its own pursuits; from the blindness of its rage, thou shalt rush upon destruction.

Noble Drew Ali is not simply a “Thou shalt not” kind of prophet without informing his students and followers of the cause and effect relationship of action and outcome. His next warning to young men is that the extreme folly of excessive or morbid longing; lust; or appetite…being too “thirsty”, will destroy its own chase of said pleasure; the ignorance of unreasonable or excessive passion will hurry them forward to their downfall.

3. Therefore give not up thy heart to her sweet enticements, neither suffer thy soul to be enslaved by her enchanting delusions. 

Young men are advised not to “give up thy heart” to her; meaning avoid becoming emotionally attached to such a woman (who’s not their wife), even when she’s demonstrating pleasing persuasions. They should not allow their soul, which is feminine, to become deprived of freedom by her charming deceptions.

4. The fountain of health which must supply the stream of pleasure, shall quickly be dried up, and every spring of joy shall be exhausted. 

The unfortunate result of overindulgence is early depletion of their seed. “The fountain of health which must supply the stream of pleasure” is the male sperm.  Young men are here being hipped to the fact that they don’t have an unlimited supply and warned to economize the release of their seed. “Sperm is the storehouse of male sexual energy. A single ejaculation has 200 to 500 million sperm cells, each a potential human being. There are enough spermatozoa lost in a single orgasm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg. The manufacture of a sperm fluid capable of such psychic super potency consumes up to a third of a man’s daily energy output and is especially taxing on the male glandular/immunological system.” (Taoist Secrets of Love-By Michael Winn)

5. In the prime of thy life old age shall overtake thee; the sun shall decline in the morning of thy days.

The sun “…declining in the morning of thy days” is an ironic metaphor for young men having the sexual prowess and bodily forms equivalent to old men. This is in consequence of the imbalanced expenditure of their seed. Young men can see evidence of this verse everyday in modern American society. Relatively young men are making the manufacturers of  ‘Viagara’ billions of dollars.  “It’s true that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but many potential Viagra users are hardly senior citizens: About 40% of 40-year-old men in the U.S. have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Most Viagra users today, according to Pfizer, are in their early to mid 50s.” (Viagra: How young is too young? By Martin Downs MPH). Some may argue that the American male is being feminized but the Taoists again tend to agree with Noble Drew Ali’s “Divine Instructions”.

Conservation of sexual energy is the first principle of cultivation. Ejaculation of the male seed for purposes other than having children is a wasteful loss of an extremely precious treasure. The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male, can lead to unconscious emotional anger towards women and gradually robs the male higher mind/spirit of its power to rejuvenate itself. For this reason many traditional spiritual orders in the world require male celibacy. Taoists accept sexual love as natural and healthy, but know the momentary pleasure of genital orgasm with ejaculation is superficial compared to the profound ecstasy possible when love is enjoyed without the loss of the powerful male seed. It’s every man’s birthright to have full control over his bodily functions and prevent this loss.”(Taoist Secrets of Love-Winn) 

6. But when virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of Heaven and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist. 

Contrasting the above type of woman with a different caliber of woman, young men are here taught to take special note when they meet the latter. This particular woman’s fascinating and alluring quality is tempered by her moral excellence, integrity of character, purity of soul, and performance of duty.  The prophet is informing young men here that when or if they find women possessing this combination of attributes, coupled with radiant beauty, then they’re wasting their time trying not to “fall in love”.

7. The whiteness of her bosom transcendeth the lily; her smile is more delicious than a garden of roses. 

“Whiteness” is purity in Islamism, the old-time religion. (Keys 93,17) It hasn’t anything to do with “lily white folks”.  The prophet is saying that the purity of the better or lovelier part of this type of woman’s nature is in high measure, symbolized by it being whiter than the lily…and as beautiful.  “Her smile is more delicious than a bed of roses”. That’s a pretty sensual description. Well you know those Moors. They are lovers extraordinaire! “Hence that immense mass of Spanish romances translated or imitated from the Moors, which, in language simple but affecting, relate the conversations of lovers, ….” (A Concise History Of The Moors In Spain From Their Invasion of That Kingdom-by Thomas Bourke pg. 213)Here is an interesting poetic lyric in that it employs a simile associated with the sense of taste, ‘delicious’, to describe her smile.

8. The innocence of her eyes is like that of the turtle; simplicity and truth dwell in her heart.

9. The kisses of her mouth are sweeter than honey; the perfumes of Arabia breathe from her lips. 

The lack of guilt in her eyes is poetically compared to the turtle. The turtle is symbolic of innocence. This speaks to Islamic modesty. She’s free from artificial ornament, pretentious style, and cunning.  She’s consistent and real. She’s sensual as well evidenced by the simile used comparing the kisses of her mouth to sweet honey. Her hygiene is meticulous as the breath from her lips is compared not to something audible but to an aroma…the “perfumes of Arabia”. This could also allude to her manner of speech. This sister is thorough!

10. Shut not thy bosom to the tenderness of love; the purity of its flame shall ennoble thy heart, and soften it to receive the fairest impressions.

Here young men are instructed to allow them selves to be open to the softer passions that accompany courtship with women who possess the said assortment of attributes. Love will as a result light a purifying fire in their heart increasing their dignity and enabling them to receive the most beautiful ideas and images. These women are deemed worthy to receive the pure love young men have to offer for they have demonstrated their untainted affection, kind feeling, friendship, strong desire, fondness, and good will. Insha’Allah Moorish American Moslem young, and single, men will take heed to the Divine Instructions of their prophet, resulting in excellent health, wealth, peace and happiness.

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men -- Commentary

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