Sunday, August 31, 2014

The True and Divine Creed of Islam Moors – Defending Moorish Islam

by Azeem Hopkins-Bey

The True and Divine Creed of Islam

by Brother A. Hopkins-Bey, D.M.


At the outset, this author intends to be clear and unambiguous as to the foundation and underpinnings of this work. This book is based solely on the pure, perfect, and pristine teachings of Islam as expressed via the Divinely Guided Prophets of God-Allah.

“…And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the disbelievers.”1

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The True and Divine Creed of Islam

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Is Justifiable Homicide The Modern Day "Casual Killing Of Slaves"?‏

“It is not strange; there are no happenings; law governs all events.” ~ Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America

This article, Is Justifiable Homicide The Modern Day Casual Killing Of Slaves?, is dedicated to the memory of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Yvette Smith and all of the other men and women who were unjustifiably murdered under the guise of “justifiable homicide”.

Unfortunately, not a year goes by without a news report of some young man or woman dying in the hands of the police (or someone who acts as if they are the police). Usually, these cases are polarized by the factor of race. The victim is usually identified as “Black” or “African-American”, while the perpetrator of the act is usually identified as “White”. Recently, we were exposed to the graphic viral video of a New York police department officer putting a 43 year-old asthmatic husband, father of 6 children and grandfather of 2 grandchildren, in a chokehold which led to the man’s death. The man’s name is Eric Garner.

The use of the chokehold to restrain someone has long been prohibited by the NYPD. Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the cop who used the chokehold on Eric Garner, was previously sued twice for using the exact same chokehold. Now, it stands to reason to ask the following question: why would the NYPD keep an officer who was sued twice for using a prohibited chokehold?

The answer to that question, and the answer to why such killings continually take place, may lie within an old-time slave code. The oldest U.S. slave laws are found in the State of Virginia. There is a publication entitled The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia, volume 2 (1823) by William W. Henning. This publication contains the Virginia Slave Codes. Among these codes is a document, dated October of 1669, which is entitled “An act about the casual killing of slaves”. This act states the following:

“Whereas the only law in force for the punishment of refractory servants resisting their master, mistress or overseer cannot be inflicted upon negroes, nor the obstinacy of many of them by other than violent means suppressed, Be it enacted and declared by this grand assembly, if any slave resist his master (or others by his masters order correcting him) and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death shall not be considered a felony, but the master (or that other person appointed by the master to punish him) be acquit from molestation, since it cannot be presumed that malice existed (which alone makes murder a felony) [or that anything] should induce any man to destroy his own estate.”

The relevance of this act becomes more apparent when one looks into the Supreme Court case of Tennessee versus Garner. Tennessee vs. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985), was a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court decided that, under the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a suspect, the officer may apply deadly force to prevent escape if he or she has “probable cause” to believe that the suspect poses a threat. Needless to say, it is very difficult to prove that a law enforcement officer does not have “probable cause”. In the case of Eric Garner, a “black” man who weighed about 400 pounds, one can guess how the NYPD might use this to their advantage.

In criminal law, the idea of justifiable homicide exists between the legal definitions of an excuse and a justification. In law, homicide becomes justified when it prevents greater harm to others. A homicide can be justified if it can be proven that it was reasonable to believe that the victim posed an imminent threat to the life or well-being of another. A homicide in this case is blameless, and is distinguished from the less strict criteria allowing deadly force in the stand your ground law (which was used to justify the murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman).

Unfortunately, in the United States, Asiatics of Moorish descent have been categorized under the labels that delude to slavery (i.e. negro, black, colored, African-American, etc.). As a result, they are still viewed as slaves. In this sense, the “casual killing of slaves” in the form of justifiable homicide applies.

Those terms, which delude to slavery, were defined as objects of commercial trade in the Law of Nations. This definition carried over into the U.S. slave laws and later on, into the various statues that are in effect today. A slave is one who is void of a nationality, as nationality determines one’s political status and a slave has no political rights. The nationality of Moors was taken away from them in 1774 and the words “negro”, “black” and “colored” were given to Asiatics, of America, who were of Moorish descent. A perfect example of how nationality works is in the case of the lynchings of Italian-Americans in New Orleans during the 1890′s. As a result of the efforts of the Italian consul, the U.S. government actually paid indemnities for the killings.

In this day and time, it is of utmost importance that we proclaim our nationality in order to reclaim our birthrights and be recognized as natural persons as opposed to state property. Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught us about the importance of nationality and birthrights. In his editorial entitled “A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations”, he stated:

“The citizens of all free national governments according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them. And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery.”

Is Justifiable Homicide The Modern Day "Casual Killing Of Slaves"?‏

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Moors and Religious Freedoms

“The Moorish Science Temple of America has received some opposition and criticism. In the main, the opposition has come from certain Christian ministers. They have expressed themselves as being opposed to our propagation of the Mohammedan religion. Possibly because the promotion of the Mohammedan faith among our people in the United States is considered by them in terms as something new. Whatever the reasons may be for their opposition, the legal right to oppose citizens, individuals and organizations alike for their religious belief does not exist in the United States. The door of religion freedom made by the American Constitution swings open to all and people may enter through it and worship, as they desire. Without religious freedom, no search for truth would be possible; without religious freedom, no discovery of truth would be useful; without religious freedom, religious progress would be checked and we would no longer march forward the nobler life which the future holds for the races of men; without religious freedom, there would be no inspiration to lift our heads and gaze with fearlessness into the vast beyond, seeking a hope eternal. It is a sad weakness in us after all, to oppose our fellowmen for their religious beliefs and if there are angels who record the sorrows of men as well as their sins, they certainly know how many and deep are the useless sorrows that spring forth from such opposition. Possibly, love and time will cancel our ancient hatreds in this regard and prove that in mankind tolerance is better than unwarranted opposition.”

~ Prophet Noble Drew Ali

In my opinion, many Asiatics (i.e. Melanized people), within the United States, have not utilized religious freedoms in this country for a number of reasons. These reasons are broken down into two categories. The first category deals with the average Asiatic not being firm in their religious convictions. The second category deals with Asiatics not perceiving themselves as having equal treatment in the court system.

The average person claims to have some type of religious faith. These religious faiths vary from Christian (Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Jehovah Witness, etc.) to Islamic (Sunni, Nation Of Islam, Moorish Science Temple, Shi’ite, Bilalian, etc.) to Judaic (Hebrew Israelite, Moorish Jews, Israeli Church, etc.) to Kemetic, Rastafarian and others. However, most Asiatics do not actively practice or even has full knowledge of all the tenets of his/her faith. Thus, they are a member of the faith in name only and are really secular people.

For example, most Asiatics in America claim to be Christian only because they were born in a place that consists of predominately Christians. Furthermore, the majority of those people pledge allegiance to the church that they “grew up in”. Often they cannot articulate what the true definition of a Christian is, or what the basic tenets of Christianity are. Hence, the word “Christian” is only a title they adopt for the purpose of self-identity and “feeling good”. This is not to speak radical against the Church, but only to illustrate a point about religious affiliations in America.

To most people in this country, religion has been viewed as something personal (e.g. “Jesus is my personal lord and savior!”) and not having any relationship to legal rights. During the Civil Rights Movement, the Civil Rights leaders, for the most part, did not demand that their religious freedoms be protected. This is because they truly believed that there’s such a thing as “separation between church and state”. Yet when one gets married, the clergyman makes the statement, “the powers invested in me, by the state of…”. Furthermore, most Asiatics have continually viewed the court as a place where they can’t get any justice. Many of them will say things like “that’s the White man’s law” or “justice means ‘just us’”. This state of mental slavery is what the Prophet Noble Drew Ali came to free us from.

Now, because of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Moorish-Americans can utilize religious freedoms in this country to their advantage. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution concerning religion is separated into two clauses. The first clause is the Establishment Clause (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ;”). The second clause is the Free Exercise Clause (“or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”). There are several Supreme Court decisions that support religious freedoms and can be used as the criteria for implementing religious immunities.

The Supreme Court applies three principles known as the “Lemon test” (named after the 1970 case of Lemon v. Kurtzman). The three principles are 1) no law may prefer one religion over another, 2) no law may prefer religion over non-religion and 3) no law may have a primary effect of promoting religion. A prime example of a case where the “Lemon test” was used is the case of Board of Education v. Mergens (1990) in which the court ruled that public schools may not deny access during after-school hours to student groups based on “religious, political, philosophical or other content”. The Supreme Court decision in United States v. Ballard (1944) dealt with the Free Exercise Clause. In that case, the court ruled that religious teachings cannot be prosecuted for fraud.

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali came to teach Moorish-Americans the truth about their nationality and birthrights. He established a religious corporation in the form of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Because of this, Moors can exercise their nationality and birthrights along with their religious freedoms. Moorish-Americans today can follow the example of what the Prophet did and use that as a blueprint for advancing with their own religious freedoms. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), it states:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice worship and observance.”

Moors and Religious Freedoms

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7 Moor Questions-Young Moors

7 Moor Questions-Young Moors

1. Where are you Brothers from?

We are native to Earth. We don’t believe in being limited by imaginary lines. All things come out of Africa, but our country is the world. We currently reside in Virginia.

2. Why the name, “Young Moors”?

We study the teachings of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The Prophet himself said that if we don’t do anything else, we must proclaim our nationality. When you hear the name “Young Moors”, you associate it with power and nobility. Those that are familiar will already know what school of thought we come from. Some of the young people may not be as familiar, and that’s okay. It gives us an opportunity to enlighten.

3. You have a classic Hip Hop sound. What is your approach to making music?

We’ve been working together musically for over ten years. We’ve always drawn inspiration from each other. When we couple that with a genuine love for the hip-hop culture and a strong will to spread a message, we get that classic hip-hop sound. It’s not co-incidental or accidental. There’s a science to it.

4. Who are some of the artists that influenced your style?

Public Enemy, KRS-One, Dead Prez, Wu Tang Clan

5. What messages are you conveying to the people In “Revolutionary Warfare”?

There is a cold war going on in the hells of America. Many are blind to this fact. We are already in a war. Genocide is occurring in our urban communities. Police are shooting our children every day or placing them in concentration camps. There has always been a high demand for free labor. Slavery is being re-introduced under the nomenclature of “private prisons”. Television is poisoning our minds. In regards to healthcare, who knows what are in these so-called “vaccinations”. The message we are trying to convey is to wake up and pay attention. Know thy self, then take action. There are many roles to be played. Our war is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and evil wickedness in high places. “Revolution” means complete constructive change. There must be a revolution spiritually, mentally, and physically in order for Our people to rise up and reclaim our rightful throne!

6. Why were you prompted to address the Trayvon Martin murder musically?

If not us, then who? We felt a responsibility to say something. Hip-Hop used to be the voice of the people. Today, we don’t hear any artists addressing social issues. Also, we figured that the attention span of our people would be short and we would forget about the injustice as soon as the next distraction/breaking story hit. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the case. However, when you put a message in a song, it lives on forever. Now you can’t forget.

7. What projects are you presently involved in?

We are currently gearing up to begin shooting our next video for the R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) project. The album is in stores now, available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, and everywhere else digital music is sold.

7 Moor Questions-Young Moors

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Islamism is...

Islamism is….

that man will regain his lost estate but it must be fought in a battle that cannot be told in words.

that Man and Allah are one.

that victory is sure.

that the Higher Self is the Mother of the Virtues and the Harmonies of Life.

that the Lower Self is the shadow of the Higher Self and will pass away.

that the soul is perfect even in the bosom of a fool.

that the souls of drunkards, thieves, and courtesans are just as precious as Grand Sheiks and Divine Ministers.

that the soil of soul is feminine.

that the sun is the noblest image of Allah.

that nationality is the order of the day.

that the thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed.

that Allah cannot be measured by metes and bounds of any kind.

that He who gave thee a soul and a body beautiful is the only one worthy of worship.

that man sees Allah not alike.

that man knows not by being told.

that the lower kingdoms; protoplast,earth, plant,beast,etc. are deities in flesh.

that there are 7 days in a circle.

that Allah is thy protector, guide and salvation.

keeping thy heart pure with love and body clean with water.

having a deeper appreciation of womanhood.

conversing with the wise.

being a priest unto yourself.

having an appreciation of the Arts.

being a faithful member of society.

a life of sacrificial service.

speaking in an intelligent tone.

following the dictates of thy soul.

contentment, whether rich or poor.

taking care of the elderly.

playing thy position in marriage.

supporting thy children.

setting children’s inclinations aright early in their youth.

teaching children obedience,modesty,gratitude,charity,temperance and prudence.

teaching children justice, sincerity,diligence, benevolence, science and religion.

recognizing the cord that connects all living things.

being not puffed up in knowledge.

being upright, independent and fearless.

active, not passive.

being armed with tools…compass,square,ax,hammer,plane,chisel,line and plummet.

being armed with keys…questions and answers.

utilizing and exercising the Holy Breath.

honoring the Covenant of the Asiatic Nation.

adhering to the codes of masters, servants, magistrates and subjects.

the Pinnacle of Wisdom

Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

The Divine Plan of the Ages.

The Everlasting Gospel.

A Saving Power.

Know Thyself.

The Uniting of Asia.

solving the fix.

remembering one’s social duties.

being just, charitable, grateful, and sincere.

exercising strength in fighting the foes of instability,inconstancy,weakness, insufficiency of knowledge and misery.

avoiding guilt knowing that fear is beneath thee.

demonstrating the possibilities of man.

following the example of Resolution.

the Science of Happiness.

imitating Prophet Noble Drew Ali in words and deeds.

Moorish Science.

preeminently the faith of peace.

Islamism is...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Donald Sterling's racist remarks: Moors Respond

Ironically, Magic Johnson and other commentators mentioned that the racist comments made by Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was a “black eye” on the league. His statement underscores the reality that even in his and their mind “black” has negative connotations in particular instances. How do they distinguish between the seemingly higher and lower self of “black”? Or do they distinguish? Also the use of “black” as a noun rather than an adjective is problematic for many reasons, i.e., “those blacks” as opposed to ” those black people”.

Human beings are more appropriately known by their nationality not colors. A particular nation of people may run the gamut of skin color and ethnicity. The term, for “black” Americans is as an adjective scientifically inaccurate regardless of how emotionally attached “black” people are to the term “black”. Very few, if any, “African-Americans” are literally black…though some of their forefathers and mothers may have been.

I’m reminded of the light olive complexioned “black” couple (light-skinned black is oxymoronic) who were Black Studies professors that retired to West Africa. Their feelings were very much hurt that the people in that part of West Africa didn’t consider them “black” and referred to them by an indigenous term that equated to “white”.

Being that most “black” people, particularly in America are not literally black, when they refer to themselves as such what are they really saying? They seem to be saying that we are those that identify with those of our ancestors that were literally black-skinned and we are therefore black too by default…but they also are saying we are those that have shared the dehumanizing “black” experience in America.

Donald Sterling's racist remarks: Moors Respond

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Moor vs. Moroccan

Key 14: Why are we Moorish Americans? Because we are descendants of Moroccans and born in America.

Some may ask the question then why aren’t we Moroccan Americans? It’s simple. The name Moor is much older than the name Moroccan, and we are an Ancient people. Act 6 states that the Moorish Americans are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites, who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa.  The Prophet was a man who understood not only the historical context, but also the art of linguistics. Namely, the fact that the term Moroccan truly makes us sound foreign to this land, and native solely to Morocco. While Moor or Moorish relates more to the old linguistics when the world was thought of not as Countries and continents but rather as Kingdoms and Empires.

Moor is more relatable to us as a people by others outside of our own nation and race. Moor is a term that to others outside of our race denotes Olive dark skin, wooly hair, and African descent. This is evident when we look at the laws of Virginia from the late 1600s and early 1700s. For example below we have an act from October 1705-Chapter XLIX. An act concerning Servants and Slaves which reads:

“XI. And for a further Christian care and usage of all Christian servants, Be it also enacted, by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That no Negros, mulattos, or Indians, although Christians, or Jews, Moors, Mahometans, or other infidels, shall, at any time, purchase any Christian servant, nor any other, except of their own complexion, or such as are declared slaves by this act: And if any negro, mulatto, or Indian, Jew, Moor, Mahometan, or other infidel, or such as are declared slaves by this act, shall, notwithstanding, purchase any Christian white servant, the said servant shall, ipso facto, become free and acquit from any service then due, and shall be so held, deemed, and taken: And if any person, having such Christian servant, shall intermarry with any such negro, mulatto, or Indian, Jew, Moor, Mahometan, or other infidel, every Christian white servant of every such person so intermarrying, shall, ipso facto, become free and acquit from any service then due to such master or mistress so intermarrying, as aforesaid.”

Notice that there is no mention of the term Moroccan because our people who were here at that time weren’t using that term to describe themselves.  Moor on the other hand is a term that has been associated with us as a people for far longer than even the term black and Negro. In fact, Black as a term denoting to us as a people isn’t even used in the law as a descriptor.

The Prophet being fully aware of these things and understanding that the term Moor ties us to an Ancient people that we just happen to be descendant from and politically tied to is preferable to the term Moroccan, which for us would be limiting and, I believe, covetous. It would also give Morocco the state the ability to deny us as its citizens as we can’t prove that we are from that particular country, but what we can prove is that we are the descendants of the OLD Moorish/Moroccan Empire by its dominion and inhabitation which extended from Northeast to southwest Africa, across the Great Atlantis, also the present North, South, and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands.

This I believe was the downfall of a great Moorish American in Grand Sheik Frederick Turner El. The adoption of a foreign name such as Moroccan led to a more foreign mindset. We believe that the Great Grand Sheik took his eyes off of the domestic affairs and through his newly formed Moroccan organization focused too much on International Affairs. By the time he raised his head again his numbers had dwindled from thousands to a few, and there was a new rival on the scene with an idea focused solely on domestic affairs and what was going on in the community and nation, which was none other than the Nation of Islam. G.S. Frederick Turner El moved away from the term Moor and Moorish American and chose to be known as a Moroccan American and thus suffered the loss of the ear of the people.

Prophet, Noble Drew Ali gave us a name with value and context in Moorish American: Descendants of Moroccans, but not Moroccans, and born in America. We are Moorish Americans; A new nation descendant from an Ancient Empire founded by the Moors. You are today what your forefathers and foremothers were without a doubt or contradiction: NAMELY MOORISH.


Mahdi L. McCoy El

Moor vs. Moroccan

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

7 Questions… Shafiq Husayn

Moor 7 Questions…


1. Where are you from Moor?…tell us a little bit about your background?

Islam, Praise Allah & Honors to His Holy & Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali. I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio, and moved to California. My mother married my stepfather, who was in the Air Force, so I grew up on U.S. Air Force bases in an early part of my life and time in California. We settled in Los Angeles in the 70′s. By the early 80′s around the age 11, I got into Hip Hop (mainly DJing & MCing & sports. By my teens I was traveling back & forth to New York and became a part of the Universal Zulu Nation, and at that time I was starting to get into Beat-Making. My production was my first group called “The Nike Kings” We had a 12′ out called “Dropping Bombs” & Listen To The Light” We were signed to Ice T’s Rhyme Syndicate on Sony Records. I later went on to produce Ice T, King Tee, Lord Finesse, Prince, Duran Duran, Jurassic 5, Erykah Badu, Common, Jill Scott, Herbie Hancock and many others. I’m also part of a group called Sa-Ra. Members consist of Taz Arnold (TISA) Om’Mas ( Grammy Winner – Frank Ocean) and I also won a Grammy in 2013 for the R & B album of the Year (Robert Glasper-Black Radio).

2.What is the name of the project and how did you arrive at that name? Give us the science on the name.

The name of the new album is ” The L∞P”= Loves Infinite Power or The Love LP.

3.Why demonstrate on Love?

I felt that this is the perfect time to make an album that I could demonstrate from a creative perspective, music that could capture the “The Love Vibration” in a way that hasn’t been done in a while. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us that we need to learn to love instead of hate, in that order, then I felt it was only right to create this album with that state of mind as well.

4. You said that as you were completing your last project you were just recently coming into the Moorish Science Temple of America. Giving it’s been five years since your last musical offering, how is The Loop different from En’ A Free Ka?

Well, There are a few similarities and differences. The similarities are subtle, say like: The beat making process on En’ A Free Ka was made with some of the same equipment, vocalists, musicians studios, etc. It was a lot more raw & experimental, being that was my first solo album. The L∞P is a little more focused and a little more in the live musician vibe. The writing is a little more progressive than the En’ A Free Ka as well. I’ve gone thru a lot changes since En’ A Free Ka, and 5 years in the Temple to shake off certain thoughts and actions. Life is the best teacher.

5. I know you mentioned that your music is not overtly Moorish, explain what you mean by that and how do you then view your music from the perspective of propagating the faith?

I’m obviously a Moor and I make music. So with that in mind, I didn’t feel I needed to approach this album with the “overt” Moorish theme as I did on En’ A Free Ka, but it still is Moorish in the state of the making of this “The L∞P”. That’s the beauty about creativity, you don’t have to repeat things over when you can evolve and dredge new rivers and build new ships. You can take a concept that seems complex and make it digestible. That’s the Alchemy of music.

6. This is Moorish Science so describe for us your approach to making music…the elements you choose to include and your overall musical theory.

Thought is the cause of it all. Music is from the Throne/ Kingdom within. With our lessons in Moorish Science, you can see how spirit/vibrations/thoughts creates sound and effects matter. I draw from all types of resources to come up with my music. Digital, Analog, sticks, bricks, ticks, conversations, observation, records, books, good & bad life experiences.

7. Economic security is an integral component of Islamism as taught by Noble Drew Ali, so an independent artist, how do music artists in 2014 make money on their music? What is your modus operandi with respect to marketing, promoting, and distributing this project?

As an independent artist I have seen many new ideas come to fruition thru the use of the internet & social networking. Marketing has not changed in this day and age too much, just the interfaces. Everybody has a Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram just like entertainers or any other professionals in diverse industries…which means equal access for all.

7 Questions… Shafiq Husayn

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men -- Commentary

The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America

Chapter 20

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men

A Commentary


“The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and authority from the Great Koran of Mohammad to propagate the faith and extend the learning and the truth of the Great Prophet of Ali, in America…to establish the faith of Mohammad in America” (Back Cover of Koran Questions For Moorish Americans)

“ We believe in, and foster the Moslem religion. We believe in the principles of its teachings insofar as they can be adopted to American life.” (The Moorish Guide, October 26, 1928)

The following excerpts were taken from, “Note On Article 9 Of The Statute Of The Permanent Court Of International Justice And The Position Of The Moslem Legal System And The Moslem Civilisation Among The Main Forms Of Civilisations And Principle Legal Systems Of The World Presented By The Delegations Of The Moslem States Of The Near East” :

“The Moslem legal system is a system of unquestionable originality. Its autonomy is evident, as a legal system largely governed by the distinctive character of a social community very different from that in which other legal systems have reached normative maturity.” (pg. 384)

“The International Congress on Comparative Law which was held at The Hague in 1932 decided that Moslem Law is an entirely independent source of comparative law. In 1938 when the question of the relationship between Roman Law and Moslem Law was brought to the consideration of the Second Congress on Comparative Law, the Congress stated explicitly that Moslem Law was an autonomous legal system which did not depend on other established systems.” (pg. 384)

“Thus, Moslem legislation translates in a truly remarkable way all social transformations required by the development and progress of the Moslem community, welcoming certain pre-Islamic institutions, correcting numerous points of the pre-existing Law and lastly, formulating new principles in consideration of the needs and aspirations of Islamic society.” (pg. 384) 

“We have sent among you a Messenger of your own to recite Our revelations to you, purify you and teach you the Book and wisdom, and to teach you what you did not know.” (2:151 Great Koran of Mohammad)

1.  Beware, young man, beware of all the allurements of wantonness, and let not the harlot tempt the to EXCESS in her delights. (my emphasis)

The first warning the Noble Drew Ali gives to all Moorish American young men is one against having a lack of restraint in sexual matters. He instructs these young men not to overindulge in the pleasures of prostitutes, common women or cheats. (harlot-Webster 1913) Hmmm…a prophet of Allah warning against overindulgence but not promoting abstinence until marriage?  Is he not endorsing adultery? Remember, Moorish American Moslems are citizens of the USA. “Dating”, inclusive of pre-marital sex is lawful and socially acceptable in America, even considered ‘normal’.  Therefore, the prophet is “formulating new principles in consideration of the needs and aspirations of Islamic society”. It may be considered new from the perspective of the people of the Book but it’s the old-time religion nevertheless.  Many current American Islamic communities are grappling with the challenge of reconciling Islam with American life. They should be delighted to know that an American born prophet, Noble Drew Ali, did just that. Moderation, temperance and prudence are recurring themes in the Moorish Holy Koran.

2. The madness of desire shall defeat its own pursuits; from the blindness of its rage, thou shalt rush upon destruction.

Noble Drew Ali is not simply a “Thou shalt not” kind of prophet without informing his students and followers of the cause and effect relationship of action and outcome. His next warning to young men is that the extreme folly of excessive or morbid longing; lust; or appetite…being too “thirsty”, will destroy its own chase of said pleasure; the ignorance of unreasonable or excessive passion will hurry them forward to their downfall.

3. Therefore give not up thy heart to her sweet enticements, neither suffer thy soul to be enslaved by her enchanting delusions. 

Young men are advised not to “give up thy heart” to her; meaning avoid becoming emotionally attached to such a woman (who’s not their wife), even when she’s demonstrating pleasing persuasions. They should not allow their soul, which is feminine, to become deprived of freedom by her charming deceptions.

4. The fountain of health which must supply the stream of pleasure, shall quickly be dried up, and every spring of joy shall be exhausted. 

The unfortunate result of overindulgence is early depletion of their seed. “The fountain of health which must supply the stream of pleasure” is the male sperm.  Young men are here being hipped to the fact that they don’t have an unlimited supply and warned to economize the release of their seed. “Sperm is the storehouse of male sexual energy. A single ejaculation has 200 to 500 million sperm cells, each a potential human being. There are enough spermatozoa lost in a single orgasm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg. The manufacture of a sperm fluid capable of such psychic super potency consumes up to a third of a man’s daily energy output and is especially taxing on the male glandular/immunological system.” (Taoist Secrets of Love-By Michael Winn)

5. In the prime of thy life old age shall overtake thee; the sun shall decline in the morning of thy days.

The sun “…declining in the morning of thy days” is an ironic metaphor for young men having the sexual prowess and bodily forms equivalent to old men. This is in consequence of the imbalanced expenditure of their seed. Young men can see evidence of this verse everyday in modern American society. Relatively young men are making the manufacturers of  ‘Viagara’ billions of dollars.  “It’s true that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but many potential Viagra users are hardly senior citizens: About 40% of 40-year-old men in the U.S. have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Most Viagra users today, according to Pfizer, are in their early to mid 50s.” (Viagra: How young is too young? By Martin Downs MPH). Some may argue that the American male is being feminized but the Taoists again tend to agree with Noble Drew Ali’s “Divine Instructions”.

Conservation of sexual energy is the first principle of cultivation. Ejaculation of the male seed for purposes other than having children is a wasteful loss of an extremely precious treasure. The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male, can lead to unconscious emotional anger towards women and gradually robs the male higher mind/spirit of its power to rejuvenate itself. For this reason many traditional spiritual orders in the world require male celibacy. Taoists accept sexual love as natural and healthy, but know the momentary pleasure of genital orgasm with ejaculation is superficial compared to the profound ecstasy possible when love is enjoyed without the loss of the powerful male seed. It’s every man’s birthright to have full control over his bodily functions and prevent this loss.”(Taoist Secrets of Love-Winn) 

6. But when virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of Heaven and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist. 

Contrasting the above type of woman with a different caliber of woman, young men are here taught to take special note when they meet the latter. This particular woman’s fascinating and alluring quality is tempered by her moral excellence, integrity of character, purity of soul, and performance of duty.  The prophet is informing young men here that when or if they find women possessing this combination of attributes, coupled with radiant beauty, then they’re wasting their time trying not to “fall in love”.

7. The whiteness of her bosom transcendeth the lily; her smile is more delicious than a garden of roses. 

“Whiteness” is purity in Islamism, the old-time religion. (Keys 93,17) It hasn’t anything to do with “lily white folks”.  The prophet is saying that the purity of the better or lovelier part of this type of woman’s nature is in high measure, symbolized by it being whiter than the lily…and as beautiful.  “Her smile is more delicious than a bed of roses”. That’s a pretty sensual description. Well you know those Moors. They are lovers extraordinaire! “Hence that immense mass of Spanish romances translated or imitated from the Moors, which, in language simple but affecting, relate the conversations of lovers, ….” (A Concise History Of The Moors In Spain From Their Invasion of That Kingdom-by Thomas Bourke pg. 213)Here is an interesting poetic lyric in that it employs a simile associated with the sense of taste, ‘delicious’, to describe her smile.

8. The innocence of her eyes is like that of the turtle; simplicity and truth dwell in her heart.

9. The kisses of her mouth are sweeter than honey; the perfumes of Arabia breathe from her lips. 

The lack of guilt in her eyes is poetically compared to the turtle. The turtle is symbolic of innocence. This speaks to Islamic modesty. She’s free from artificial ornament, pretentious style, and cunning.  She’s consistent and real. She’s sensual as well evidenced by the simile used comparing the kisses of her mouth to sweet honey. Her hygiene is meticulous as the breath from her lips is compared not to something audible but to an aroma…the “perfumes of Arabia”. This could also allude to her manner of speech. This sister is thorough!

10. Shut not thy bosom to the tenderness of love; the purity of its flame shall ennoble thy heart, and soften it to receive the fairest impressions.

Here young men are instructed to allow them selves to be open to the softer passions that accompany courtship with women who possess the said assortment of attributes. Love will as a result light a purifying fire in their heart increasing their dignity and enabling them to receive the most beautiful ideas and images. These women are deemed worthy to receive the pure love young men have to offer for they have demonstrated their untainted affection, kind feeling, friendship, strong desire, fondness, and good will. Insha’Allah Moorish American Moslem young, and single, men will take heed to the Divine Instructions of their prophet, resulting in excellent health, wealth, peace and happiness.

Holy Instruction and Warnings For All Young Men -- Commentary

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Prophet Plea to Nation March 1, 1929 (Reprinted March 24, 2014)

Our Divine and national movement stands for the specific grand principles of love, truth, peace freedom and justice. And I, the Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members and American citizens to help me in my great uplifting acts of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation-for I have suffred much and severely in the past through misunderstanding of what the movement was dedicated to.

It is the great God Allah alone that guides the destiney of this Divine and national movement. I know all true American citizens are identified by national and national desecent names to answer and apply to the free national Constitution of this free National Republic of the United States of America that’s why I am calling on all true national citizens to help me morally and financially in my great work. I am going to help this national government, for with out a free national name with a descent flag of your forefarthers, there is no national divine title of the government in which we live.

this is from your true and divine Prophet unto all American and foreign sympathizers.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

After reading the above Article published by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali we can see that a number of people have received a misunderstanding of what the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. is dedicated to. We see that the Prophet in his own words he published this article for Moorish-Americans and other American citizens to inform them of the duty and missions of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. and of Moorish-Americans. The above reprinted Article was lifted from the Humanity Pamphlet which was requested to Reprinted from the Moorish Guide. The Above stated article bust the myth of Moor’s proclaim their nationality outside of the Moorish Science Temple of America, inc.and not linking themselves with a temple.


The Prophet Plea to Nation March 1, 1929 (Reprinted March 24, 2014)

Monday, March 17, 2014

This Day In Moorish History – Moorish Tag Day March 17th 1929

Preparation For Moorish Tag Day In Readiness

To be Celebrated In all Temples

The first Moorish National Tag Day will be celebrated by all Temples of The Moorish Science Movement, the same having been sponsored by the Moorish National Sisters Auxiliary To Hold Tag Day Within Temple Number One

The first Moorish Nation Tag Day will be celebrated by Temple No. 1 of Chicago from March 17-29.

The tags will be sold within the Temples prior to and after each meeting held between the above dates. The nominal price will be ten cents. All subordinate temples will receive a sample tag (so) to that the idea may be passed along to them for the (due) consideration. This tag will be held under the auspices of the Moorish National Sisters’ Auxiliary.
There will also be a week of sacrifice. This will be celebrated a week before the return of the prophet from his tour around to the temples. For a whole week members will drop as much money as they can spare into a box. Upon his return the box will be presented to him for the Uplifting Fund, for fallen humanity.

Sister Lavine-El, President
Sister Rhodes-El, Recording Secretary of Temple No. 1, of Chicago, March 17, 1929.
(Editorial from Moorish Guide 1929)

Now clearly and unambiguously the title of the article reads, “…Tag Day will be celebrated by all Temples…”, now we realize that any “Tag Day” is a day on which contributions to a fund are solicited, subsequently each contributor receiving a tag; it is a day on which collectors for a charitable fund solicit contributions, giving each contributor a tag. Therefore the requisite question must be, What is being Celebrated? To answer that question, we must come to a realization of the symbolism on the Tags. On the tags was a heart with a five pointed green star in the center, pointed at the word “UNICE.” It has been reported by Bro. J. Blakely-Bey, that Prophet Noble Drew Ali said the heart means LOVE, dear to the next person or just plain goodness to all mankind. The color green means LIFE EVERLASTING. In the center of the heart is a five pointed green star pointed at the word “unice” which means PEACE and UNITY among MOORISH-AMERICANS. Consequently, the celebration of Tag Day (March 17th) consist of the celebration of: LOVE, LIFE EVERLASTING, and PEACE and UNITY AMONG MOORISH-AMERICANS (which is sorely needed).

We indeed realize that March 17th has a divergent meaning for those of Irish descent, in honor of Patrick whom they refer to as a Saint. It is this Patrick who is known for banishing the “snakes” from Ireland; there are elders who taught that the “snakes” was actually a surreptitious expression which referenced the Moors. There were Moors in ancient Ireland, they were known as Fomorians (fo-MOOR-ians). The Fomorians were an ancient sea-faring people, it is thought that they originally came from Northern Africa or Asia as they are described as having dark hair and dark skin in the original accounts. Fomorians are considered by the most ancient, native inhabitants of Ireland. Conaing is one of the first of the Fomorians to have settled and they seem to have settled on all the Northern Islands along the coast of Ireland and across to Scotland and Norway. The Fomorians, whose name means ‘dark of the sea,’ has been traced by early Christian commentators to Ham, son of Noah. The account of the Fomorians has been thoroughly embedded in Irish mythology, included is their “banishment” from Ireland by the mythical Tuatha de Danann (which may be the character Patrick is modeled after).

At any rate, March 17th we don’t celebrate the banishment of the Moors, neither do we celebrate the defeat of the Moors of Spain. March 17th has a spiritual significance to the Moors which has been demonstrated on the symbolism of the Tags sold on that date. LOVE, LIFE EVERLASTING, and PEACE and UNITY AMONG MOORISH-AMERICANS.

Happy Moorish Tag Day

Moorish American Tag Day

Peace & Love

Brother A. Hopkins-Bey, G.S.D.M.

This Day In Moorish History – Moorish Tag Day March 17th 1929

Saturday, March 15, 2014

ALI'S MEN Radio Is Back!

Join us this Sunday Evening for a POWERFUL returning show, building up momentum for the exciting 2nd East Coast Moorish Men’s Brotherhood Meeting in Philadelphia, April 18th.  Joining us will be ALI’S MEN members Bro. Azeem Hopkins Bey, celebrated Islamic Scholar/Author, and Grand Sheik of Temple #11 (Philadelphia PA), and Bro. Shafiq Al-Baqir El, Grammy Award-winning producer and Sunday School Teacher at Temple #43 (Los Angeles CA), to give on-site detailed reports of their OUTSTANDING Uplifting and Unifying work in their respective cities.

We will also be speaking on many of the issues currently at the forefront of not only effecting functional unity, but standing in the way of a True Understanding of Prophet Drew Ali’s mission and agenda.  Call in or log in with your questions/comments.

Click the logo below to listen!

Ali's Men Radio


ALI'S MEN Radio Is Back!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

NAR/MR -- The facts, The History, The Indigenous African Origins!

As we explore the AMEN RA SQUAD research regarding the aspects of the Moorish history and African Moor ancient use this is to complement the works of my AMEN RA SQUAD Brother, Teacher and General RAP GOD Jonathan Owens and the works of Moorish Scholar and Brother Sheik Way-El , Lord Abba. I am credited with introducing the Nar aspect into the Ancient Moorish and Kemet history and would like to introduce another important part to the history as we explore the MR and NAR connection though the African linguistics including African Kemet.

When looking at the cognitive use of the word Nar meaning river and the interchangeable use of the “ N” and “M” we have the same meaning and use of the Homophone Nar in “river” In the works of the scholar Dr. Martin Bernal and his book series Black Athena Volume III Nar and Nera . He explains how the Nar flows between the territory of the Sabines and Umbria. The Umbrian name is “Nahar” derived from the Sabine name for sulfur. Bernal states that it is “much more plausible to derive Nar/Nahar from the Canaanite Nahar meaning “stream, river” a word deeply embedded in Semitic .” With this Semitic use of NR/Nar meaning river we can now take a look at the African use of MR.

In the Linguistic Ties between Ancient Egyptian and Bantu by Fergus Sharman we have “ The ancient Egyptian word for any collection of water such as a lake, pool, canal or stream of water is shown by the sign of the how MR

egyptian hoehoe_cultivate,_hack_up

designation among the Arabians was Al Nahr, the River, transcribed Nar and Nahar, — Chilmead’s Alvahar; this Semitic word, occasionally written Nahal, also having been adduced as a derivation of the word Nile.
[Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889.]

Herodotus points out that “Nar, Nahr and Naro and other names of rivers Nereids means Black applied to water” in History of Herodotus volume two pg. 25

MR Which means to cultivate, hoe,hack followed by a channel filled with water”

In the study of the Bantu language and its connection to Ancient Kemet it is accurately pointed out that there remains the “skeletal consonants” MR and the Bantu word “MOERO”, MWERU, derived from the KiKongo Bantu Language meaning lake or river MOERO also means “swampy , marsh” We also know that “Moor” also means swampy marsh

The Modern English marsh-related word moor (17th century) comes from Middle English mor (13th century), from Old English mór (before 12th century). The word is akin to Old High German muor(“moor”).
The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1989.

What we also find in the African languages and backed by the works of Sharman is the KiBakueri-Bantu languages of the Cameroon the word MERO or MORO which means a river, stream or a spring. Further we see the KiKuria-Bantu languages OMOORO means a river we also have the KiMERU language where MURU means river. This is also pointed out through the research in Kiswahili-Bantu the word for a type of marine fish is MWERU the detailed studies takes us to the Shimaore-Bantu language of the COMORO Islands and we find the word for river is MURO in Tanzania we have the river MARA verified in the book. These linguistic uses over and consistently within African cultures and clearly be used as the evidence of MR and its use in African Kemet.

The Etymon Nar and Moor with the “N” and “M” are the same symbol


There are greater detailed works further proving the African origin and use of “Maur” and Nar in its ancient use taking the connection of Nar/Moor to the Americas.

Riccioli cited for it Vardi, and a Moorish title, according to Bayer, was Guad, — the 1720 edition of theUranometria has Guagi, — all these from the “Arabic wadi, and reminding us of the Wadi al Kabir, the Great River, the Spaniards’ Guadalquivir; but the


Hebrew in its West Semitic Setting Part 1 A. Murtonen pg.275

In the ancient Hebrew we not only see the Nar as water but also as light also as in fire.


We will have the future writing going into the further linguistic use of the term NAR/Moor in the historical use from Antiquity to the Americas. The common homophone use of words in African cultures via word and symbols are common. Many of the words take different spelling as those of Greek culture adopted aspects of the African civilization which greatly influenced the Greeks as students. The use of words like Nar/Maur are identified as such words. Through diligent research and scholarship we advance previous information as a foundation to help another generation.

Ishmael A. Bey

Educo Summas


NAR/MR -- The facts, The History, The Indigenous African Origins!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

150 Years Ago in Syracuse


Sponsored by Councilor Khalid Bey, the Office of the Mayor, and the Syracuse Common Council


Wednesday, February 12, 2014  at City Hall Commons Atrium, Syracuse NY


Keynote Address: “150 Years Ago in Syracuse” 

written and delivered by Sharif Anael Bey

Good Evening.

I rise giving praise to the One God, called and known by many names, but is Universally recognized as the Causeless Cause and the Rootless Root from which all things have their being.  I next give honor to all men and women throughout time that submitted their puny individual wills totally to the task of bringing them in tune with the Deific Will; it is through their sacrifice and labor that the Human Family draws closer to God.

I give honor to each and every one of you present on this very auspicious day.  I would like to give special honor to the august body of elected and non-elected officials and their representatives present today.

I am both honored and humbled to stand before you today to share with you an event in Black History that few Syracusans know about.  150 years ago, with the end of the Civil War approaching and the outcome of it increasingly clear, the central political issue of the nation was the fate of the South, and the fate of the black population in the postwar period.  While this is well known, what is NOT well known is that over 500 black leaders, asserting their will to actively participate in the planning, called a National Convention, October 4th-7th, 1864, right here in downtown Syracuse New York.

Among the leaders representing Syracuse were abolitionist and religious leader Rev. Jermain Loguen, W.H. Brown and T.A. Keen.   Rev. Henry Garnet of the African Colonization Society and Paschal Beverly Randolph, Grandmaster of the Brotherhood of Luxor and keynote speaker for the convention, were among those representing New York City, with the celebrated Frederick Douglass elected President of the convention.

As the work of this convention promised to be the starting point of a new era in the history of people of African descent in America, there were plenty of highlights.  Of particular note were the contributions of Henry Garnet, who insisted on the importance of what he called a “negro nationality” as the platform for collective self-determination and an answer to social and political disenfranchisement, and the keynote address delivered by P.B. Randolph, whose fiery rhetoric was highly regarded and well received, calling on men of African descent to demonstrate equality on the basis of Manhood, brains and Will, rather than depend on a social recognition that others were quite reluctant at that time to give.  In his speech he prophetically predicts the March on Washington with the words

My very soul leaps onward a full century; and its vision falls on fertile fields, with no slave-driver there, no hearts crushed by fierce oppression, no more heads bowed down.  My soul listens already to the glad prelude of a song of triumph welling up from myriad of hearts, and swelling into a sound that fills the vast concave of heaven itself with the deep toned melodies of a universal jubilee.”

P.B. Randolph, among other things, worked to organize African American men to fight in the Civil War; the purpose of this was not specifically to support either the Union or the Confederacy, but to make a very bold assertion of African American Manhood.  During this time period the sociologists of the day labeled the African American male as feminine, and used this to bolster barring him from the entitlements of full citizenship.  As the ideal of Manhood was central to citizenship qualifications, African Americans realized that any opportunity to demonstrate possession of the qualities of Manhood would force America to see them as MEN and thus make their claims to full citizenship undeniable.  The Bible teaches us that there is no greater love than this; that a MAN lays down his life for his friend. What better way to demonstrate this principle-what stronger statement of Manhood can be made, than to show a willingness and ability to fight and die for the nation?  The struggle to obtain Union governmental funding to pay African American recruits, and the organizing of African American troops, culminating in approval from Secretary Stanton in November of 1863 for federal payment to 1000 African American recruits, should be seen in its proper context as a powerfully commendable display of African American Self-Determination.

The official work of this convention was the establishment of a “National Equal Rights League” to obtain by appeals to the minds and conscience of the American people, or by legal process when possible, a recognition of the rights of American inhabitants of African descent as American citizens.  This purpose, mainly to obtain suffrage for African Americans, was to be accomplished by exhortation, and to this end the magnum opus of this league of leaders was the drafting of a Declaration of Rights and Wrongs, which owed its approval to the work of P.B. Randolph.

This Declaration of Rights and Wrongs, written and approved in 1864, is just as fresh and relevant to our condition in 2014 as it was 150 years ago, and if tweaked only slightly, would read like this:

Declarations of Rights and Wrongs

1.             As a branch of the human family, we have for long ages been deeply and cruelly wronged by individuals whose might constituted their right; we have been subdued, secretly by the power of ideas, and openly by brute force, and have been unjustly deprived not only of many of our natural rights, but systematically debarred the privileges, opportunities and advantages freely accorded to other men.

2.             We have been made to suffer well-nigh every cruelty and indignity possible to be heaped upon human beings; and often times for no fault of our own. We have been manipulated and conditioned via economic, political, social, intellectual, biological, emotional and physical warfare, which has been inflicted upon on our people by others fueled by fear and ignorance and, veiled by position and color of law.

3.             We have been taunted by a passive-aggressiveness that suggests our inferiority and by agencies whose statute-books contained laws inflicting the severest penalties for the exercising of rights assured by our Constitution and our God; in the past we have been denounced as incurably ignorant and today as incurably violent, and, at the same time, have been, through subtle manipulations, debarred from taking even the first step toward self-enlightenment and personal and national elevation; we have been declared incapable of self-government by those who refused us the right of experiment in that direction, and we have been deemed unpatriotic when expressing disdain by men and women who refused to level the playing field in a way that would provide honest equal opportunity, causing one to truly be proud to be an American.

4.             As a people, we have been denied the ownership of our lives, our bodies, homes, children, and the products of our own labor; we have been compelled, under threats of arrest and acts of violence, to submit to wrongs deeper and darker than the earth ever witnessed in the case of any other people; we have been forced to silence and inaction in full presence of the infernal spectacle of our sons groaning under the baton, our daughters fondled, our wives violated, and our properties vandalized, damaged and destroyed, while we ourselves have been led to the courts in shackles reminiscent of slave markets and sold under the laws of the Uniform Commercial Code to the highest bidder.

5.             When the nation in her trial hour called her sable sons to arms, we gladly went to fight her battles: but were denied the pay accorded to others, until public opinion demanded it; and then it was tardily granted and today for our veterans shamefully, it remains the same. We have fought and conquered, but have been denied the laurels of victory. We have fought where victory gave us no glory and where captivity meant cool murder on the field, by gunfire or explosion; and yet no black man ever flinched.

6.             We are taxed, but denied the right of representation. We are practically debarred the right of trial by jury; and institutions of learning which we help to support are cultural biased and economically closed against us.

We submit to the American people and world the following Declaration of our Rights, asking a calm reconsideration thereof:

1st. We declare that all men are born free and truly equal; that no man or government through colorable law has a right to annul, repeal, abrogate, contravene, or render inoperative, this fundamental principle, except it be for crime; therefore we demand the immediate and unconditional elimination of any attempts of suppression acted upon the people of urban communities around these United States.

2nd. That, as natives of American soil, we claim the rights of all others who occupy said soil: and that any attempt to deprive, remove, eliminate, or compromise our rights in any way is against the will of the people, and therefore unjust; for here were we born, for this country our fathers and our brothers have fought, and here we intend to remain in the full enjoyment of enfranchised manhood, and its dignities.

3rd. That, as citizens of a Republican form of Government, we are able to enact our rights. We claim that we are, by right, entitled to respect; that due attention should be given to our needs; that proper rewards should be given for our services, and that the immunities and privileges of all other citizens and defenders of the nation’s honor should be conceded to us. We claim the right to be heard in the halls of Congress; and we claim our fair share of the public domain, whether acquired by purchase, deed, patent, or judgment.

4th. That, emerging as we are from the long night of gloom and sorrow, we are entitled to, and claim, the sympathy and aid of the entire international community; and we invoke the considerate aid of mankind in this crisis of our history, and in this hour of continued sacrifice, suffering, and trial.

Those are our wrongs; these, a portion of what we deem to be our rights as men, as patriots, as citizens, and as children of the common Father. To realize and attain these rights, and their practical recognition, is our purpose. We confide our cause to the universal and just God, whose benign aid we solemnly invoke. To him we appeal.

I now ask our elected leaders and their representatives to stand and turn towards the audience.  I am EXTREMELY PROUD to announce to you all that what I just read to you is a resolution sponsored by Councilor Khalid Bey, and passed by the Syracuse Common Council 2 days ago, and through these elected leaders and their representatives standing before you today, was sent to every legislative body from the County Legislature, NY State Assembly, NY State Senate, US Congress, US Senate, and the Office of the President of the United States.


WHEREAS, on October 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, in 1864 Frederick Douglass and the National Convention of Colored Citizens of the United States visited Syracuse, New York for a meeting to discuss the state of the ex-slave post the Civil War; and

WHEREAS, this Common Council wishes to commemorate Black History Month and the visit of the National Convention of Colored Citizens of the United States to the City of Syracuse, New York;

WHEREAS, the National Convention of Colored Citizens of the United States wrote a document modeled after the Declaration of Independence which was entitled “Declarations of Rights and Wrongs” that was read during the Convention’s visit to Syracuse, New York; and

WHEREAS, this Declarations of Rights and Wrongs is still relevant today in many ways and to commemorate Frederick Douglass’ and the National Convention of Colored Citizens’ of the United States words, this Common Council hereby makes its own, updated version staying true to the message of Frederick Douglass and his Convention, to draw attention to the fact that the fight for rights of all human beings is not over.

In closing, let me state emphatically that our history is American History.  Our history is SYRACUSE History, and today, with your help and the help of our elected officials, we have reconnected ourselves to a significant part of that glorious history in a way that uplifts us ALL and encourages us all to achieve greatness.  Today we show Syracuse and the world that among the once fallen descendants of Africa there is still MUCH wisdom to be learned for the redemption of the sons of men.  Thank you all for honoring me with your time and attention.  I leave you as I came, in Peace.

150 Years Ago in Syracuse

Sunday, March 2, 2014

2nd East Coast Moorish Brotherhood Summit



2nd East Coast Moorish Brotherhood Summit

Philadelphia, Pa: From, April 18-20, 2014, Ali’s Men and Operation Proclamation will convene the 2nd East Coast Moorish Brotherhood Summit. This event, promoting unity and brotherhood among Moorish American men, will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton NE, 9461 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Moorish Brotherhood Summit begins with a Holy Day meeting at Moorish Science Temple of America No. 11 on Friday April 18, followed by the summit on Saturday at Four Points by Sheraton and will end with Sunday School at Temple No. 11-1.

The first brotherhood summit was a rousing success. It brought together Moorish American men from various bodies and demonstrated a true atmosphere of unity for Moors. After the summit last year Bro. Thorn-El, Grand Sheik of Temple 13 in Baltimore, Maryland, had this to say, “This is the first time I have ever been in a meeting of Moors for 4 or 5 hours and there was not one argument!”

All Moorish American men are encouraged to attend. Come with a desire to labor together for a common Moorish American cause. Join us for a weekend of highly progressive Moorish American workshops, planning, networking, and strengthening the bonds of Moorish American Brotherhood.

Ali’s Men is a non-partisan (with respect to any individual ‘Grand Body’) group of researchers, writers and lecturers from various Grand Bodies within the Moorish Movement by way of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

2nd East Coast Moorish Brotherhood Summit

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc."

Citizen of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

We need more active Moorish-American citizens, we need you to pay more attention and become positively motivated and interested in the Moorish-American public issues, and hope you desire to make a difference beyond your own private and respective temple lives. Moorish-American citizens you are a great untapped resource and your membership in the temples is a quality to be nurtured.

You Ask Why?

A way of tackling large public issues

“In British Columbia, no less than eight recent task force reports have identified more active citizens as the key to responding more effectively to large scale public issues. If you would like to examine the power you could have and why your voice is needed in a respective and holds head Temple officials accountable and will almost force them to unite almost overnight. It is our responsibility as Moorish-American Citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. to participate in this political process and if leaders don’t do what we ask them vote them out. If you did not know Moorish-Americans there is political process in the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. What is it and why have we not been allowed to participate in this process? Is this why there are leaders making statement that “you don’t belong to this grand body and that grand body” to keep the citizens of the Moorish-American Citizens away from the political process with in the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

I would like to inform you that “There is only One God-Allah, One Prophet, One Temple, and One Royal Family.” Yes Moorish-American citizens you belong to this and it is the Kingdom of Heaven which the Prophet Jesus spoke about. It’s time for the separation to stop, separation has allowed, UCC, Sovereign citizen and many other foreign doctrines that others attempt to pass off as Moorish Science. The following reports are just examples of what citizens of other governments have done to create change. We as Moorish-American citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. can reproduce the same energy to create change with in the temples so that we can begin to function the way we did when the Prophet Noble Drew Ali functioned.

Please investigate the following reports to be inspired to produce change with in your temple eventually bringing us together to function as “One”. I know that this process is not “wham Bam” quick fix process, because there are much needed structured workshops and training needed for Officials, Leaders and Members of the Moorish-Science Temple of America, Inc.

“When the Bough Break” (On Child Protection)

“Ready or Not” (On Aging)

“Making Changes” (On Family Services)

“Closer to Home” (On Health Care)

“Greenways/Public Ways” (On the Urban Landscape)

The citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. are feed up with the abuse of authority, which is unauthorized, insensitive or illegal official action. In the administrative sense, 1. covering up mistakes: unlawful or improper cooperation with legislative or public bodies, 2. gross ineffectiveness: failure to carry out duties adequately., 3. dishonesty: theft, forging documentation, embezzlement., 4. unethical behavior: conduct that does not lead to prosecution, but does not raise questions, such as making loop holes or clashing interest., 5. mistreatment of members: penalizing members for their honesty, for the courage to air their views, or for whistleblowing., 6. breaking rules of procedures: failure to comply with certain procedural standards., 7. failure to display initiative: failure to make decisions exercise legal discretion., 8. disregard for legislation: conduct without the necessary legal authority or a breach of disregard for the law.

We the citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. when we become involved in the politics of the temples. The Moorish-American citizens can become a potent force for dealing with the problems that continue to plague our temples. Through coordinated planning, research and action we can accomplish what the leaders of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. could not achieve working alone as they have been. When we decide to be a part of the solution, temple problems across the country get solved. When we actually begin to work with other temples, members, Grand Sheiks, Governor and sharing our thoughts in a positive manner there is no limit to what we can accomplish

"Citizens of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       






Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley

Moorish Americans Condemn Criminal Activity


Chicago, IL: ALI’S MEN, a national civic organization comprised of members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, is issuing a formal apology to Chicago City Treasurer, Stephanie Neely, on behalf of Moorish Americans across the United States of America, for the criminal tampering of the deed to her home by those falsely representing the Moorish Science Temple of America. This is in response to the recent report on Chicago Tonight (WTTW), as well as similar reports in newspapers nationwide, regarding the stealing of homes by so-called sovereign citizens, and alleged members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

“We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and were legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois, November 29th, 1926. The name Moorish Temple of Science changed to the Moorish Science Temple of America, May 1928, in accordance with the legal requirements of the Secretary of the State of Illinois. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things necessary to make our members better citizens.” ~Noble Drew Ali, Founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America

Although Ali’s Men has no connection to these criminals, we want to make it very clear that Moorish Americans, as citizens of the United States of America, in no way promote, condone nor tolerate illegal behavior from any members of the Moorish American Nation.  According to the bylaws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, members are to obey the laws of the government, and not seek “to cause any confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution…”  Some additional words of wisdom:

  • Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice must be proclaimed and practiced by all members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

  • Members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly.

  • With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their divine creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government.

About Ali’s Men: Ali’s Men are a non-partisan (with respect to any individual ‘Grand Body’) group of researchers, writers and lecturers from various Grand Bodies within the Moorish Movement by way of the Moorish Science Temple of America.


Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley


Ali’s Men

(917) 512-8524


Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley

Moorish Americans Condemn Criminal Activity


Chicago, IL: ALI’S MEN a national civic organization comprised of members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, is issuing a formal apology to Chicago City Treasurer, Stephanie Neely, on behalf of Moorish Americans across the United States of America, for the criminal tampering of the deed to her home by those falsely representing the Moorish Science Temple of America. This is in response to the recent report on Chicago Tonight (WTTW), as well as similar reports in newspapers nationwide, regarding the stealing of homes by so-called sovereign citizens, and alleged members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

“We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and were legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois, November 29th, 1926. The name Moorish Temple of Science changed to the Moorish Science Temple of America, May 1928, in accordance with the legal requirements of the Secretary of the State of Illinois. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things necessary to make our members better citizens.” ~Noble Drew Ali, Founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America

Although Ali’s Men has no connection to these criminals, we want to make it very clear that Moorish Americans, as citizens of the United States of America, in no way promote, condone nor tolerate illegal behavior from any members of the Moorish American Nation.  According to the bylaws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, members are to obey the laws of the government, and not seek “to cause any confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution…”  Some additional words of wisdom:

  1. Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice must be proclaimed and practiced by all members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

  2. Members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly.

  3. With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their divine creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government.

About Ali’s Men: Ali’s Men are a non-partisan (with respect to any individual ‘Grand Body’) group of researchers, writers and lecturers from various Grand Bodies within the Moorish Movement by way of the Moorish Science Temple of America.


Formal Apology to Treasurer Stephanie Neeley

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Conditions of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Calls For Community Action

During my matriculation in the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. I have noticed that we have a vast, controversial, glorious, and grim and I am quite sure there are many more words to describe the past history of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. The history of our movement should not be viewed in a way that we as members hold malicious feelings or thought’s or even hold arguments over what has happened and who did what or who Hs failed to do what. Our history should be viewed as a ways and means for us to come together and hold fruitful discussions of our history, in order to do this we as members have to practice “Emotional Intelligence.” What exactly is “Emotional Intelligence (EI)”; it is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of your-self. In this instance I would imagine your lower-self or the negative aspects of your lower-self. (EI) is also the ability to objectively view your emotions as useful sources of information that help you to make sense of and navigate the social environment in regard to dealing with members of other Temples.

How Emotional Intelligent are you ; do I have the ability to process information of an emotional nature and in their ability to relate emotional processing to a wider cognition or is this ability manifested adaptive behaviors such as (I have the True Foundation, Prophet did not bring that etc.) Do I have the ability to harness my emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving? The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand. Do I have the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions? For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time. Do I have the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others? Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.

Do I possess the ability to know my own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions? Can and am I willing to control or redirect my disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. Am I willing to managing relationships to move people in the desired direction? Can I considering other people’s feelings especially when making decisions. Am I being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement for the betterment and change of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

As members of the Moorish Science Temple of America we have to begin to practice and teach such principles which are further extensions of our five highest principles known to man. As opposes to just performing social action we will see the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc move forward to in community building activities. Community change place by taking action. So I am inclined to think there are certain conditions must be present and I do declare they are present within the Community and Corporate culture of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

Indicators of Community Change

1.Tension between current discomfort with the present situation and attraction to a new situation.

(From Disunity to Unity)

2. Belief in the possibility that action will produce a successful outcome.

(Trek Trough Time, Moorish Unity Summit, Moorish Census)

3. Recognition of a course of Action

(Moorish Unity Summit, Operation Proclamation, Moorish Census )

4.Sufficient credibility of the organizers of the effort, validity of the issue and sustainability of the organization.

5.Sufficient degree of emotion.

(Dis-satisfaction of the General Membership of the Respective Temples)

Let us now take the time and examine our degree of “Emotional Intelligence (EI) so that we may move forward; in moving forward to developing a better Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Let us recognize and realize that the true body of principles and practices used by scholars to make their claims about the Moorish world as valid and trustworthy as possible, and to make them known to the Moorish scholarly public, members and public in general. It is by these methods that systemically advance the teaching, research, and practice of a given scholarly or academic field of study through rigorous inquiry. Scholarship is noted by its significance to its particular profession, is creative, can be documented, can be replicated or elaborated, and can be and is peer-reviewed through various methods. Therefore it is very important for us as Moorish Scientist to cultivate and practice these principles to unify, develop, enhance and advance the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. as a community, organization and Nation.

Conditions of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Calls For Community Action