Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Islamism is...

Islamism is….

that man will regain his lost estate but it must be fought in a battle that cannot be told in words.

that Man and Allah are one.

that victory is sure.

that the Higher Self is the Mother of the Virtues and the Harmonies of Life.

that the Lower Self is the shadow of the Higher Self and will pass away.

that the soul is perfect even in the bosom of a fool.

that the souls of drunkards, thieves, and courtesans are just as precious as Grand Sheiks and Divine Ministers.

that the soil of soul is feminine.

that the sun is the noblest image of Allah.

that nationality is the order of the day.

that the thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed.

that Allah cannot be measured by metes and bounds of any kind.

that He who gave thee a soul and a body beautiful is the only one worthy of worship.

that man sees Allah not alike.

that man knows not by being told.

that the lower kingdoms; protoplast,earth, plant,beast,etc. are deities in flesh.

that there are 7 days in a circle.

that Allah is thy protector, guide and salvation.

keeping thy heart pure with love and body clean with water.

having a deeper appreciation of womanhood.

conversing with the wise.

being a priest unto yourself.

having an appreciation of the Arts.

being a faithful member of society.

a life of sacrificial service.

speaking in an intelligent tone.

following the dictates of thy soul.

contentment, whether rich or poor.

taking care of the elderly.

playing thy position in marriage.

supporting thy children.

setting children’s inclinations aright early in their youth.

teaching children obedience,modesty,gratitude,charity,temperance and prudence.

teaching children justice, sincerity,diligence, benevolence, science and religion.

recognizing the cord that connects all living things.

being not puffed up in knowledge.

being upright, independent and fearless.

active, not passive.

being armed with tools…compass,square,ax,hammer,plane,chisel,line and plummet.

being armed with keys…questions and answers.

utilizing and exercising the Holy Breath.

honoring the Covenant of the Asiatic Nation.

adhering to the codes of masters, servants, magistrates and subjects.

the Pinnacle of Wisdom

Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

The Divine Plan of the Ages.

The Everlasting Gospel.

A Saving Power.

Know Thyself.

The Uniting of Asia.

solving the fix.

remembering one’s social duties.

being just, charitable, grateful, and sincere.

exercising strength in fighting the foes of instability,inconstancy,weakness, insufficiency of knowledge and misery.

avoiding guilt knowing that fear is beneath thee.

demonstrating the possibilities of man.

following the example of Resolution.

the Science of Happiness.

imitating Prophet Noble Drew Ali in words and deeds.

Moorish Science.

preeminently the faith of peace.

Islamism is...